Upcycled Old T-Shirt: I tried so hard to make a cat tent for my cat huff

Hi there...
I am back again..look at my cute cat, tadaa

Her named is Cantik (in english it's mean Beauty), she was gone bad because she doesn.t mood, so, i make a cat tent for her, but.. Poor me haha, the result is not good, because it not fit in her, the cat tent is too small >-<. But i hope she's could cheer again, haha
This is the tutorial, hope y'all enjoy it!

Au coba bikinin Cantik tenda, soalnya dia nakal banget akhir-akhir ini, jadi biar ga nakal aku coba treatment dia, dan berhasil!! Tapi bodohnya tendanya terlalu cilik haha, yang mau bikin ini tutorialnya yaaa...jangan lupa diukur dulu panjang kucingmu ya...

1. Persiapkan alat dan bahan (Equipments):
  • Cardboard / Kardus
  • Old t-shirt / kaus bekas
  • Wire / Kawat
  • Plier / Tang
  • Scissor / Gunting
  • Cellophane Tape / Selotip
  • Duct tape / Lakban coklat

2. Pisahkan kardus menjadi 2 bagian dan dilipat sedemikian rupa lalu diselotip

3. Pasang kawat secara melintang (kawat harus sudah diukur sesuai tinggi kucing) dan beri lakban coklat ditengahnya (Put the wire ( high must be fit with you're cat size) transversal, and in the centre connected with duck tape)

4. Lapisi kardus dan kawat dengan baju bekasmu, sematkan peniti pada bagian bawah. Put your old t-shirt to cover the cardboard and wires, hook the bottom part with safety pin.

5. Tada... it's finished!!! Purple cat tent

She looks very comfort and happy but in the fact, it doesn't suit with her body hahaha, it's too small, but i'm trying..lol

See you again!!

Living Upcycled-Inspirasi Upcyclemu!!
